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Mr. Muhammad Usman

Director General of Agricultural Research System, Government of Pakistan

Title: Chemistry is the major industry for the development of health, basic need of daily life, create employment, generate income, stronger economy, reducing financial crises, global Poverty and hunger in the developing countries of the world particularly in south Asia


Biography: Mr. Muhammad Usman


The aim of presentation consist of chemistry, health, life, employment, income, economy, global poverty and hunger were studded and concluded Chemistry is the major industry for the development of health, basic need of daily life, create employment, generate income, stronger economy, reducing financial crises, global Poverty and hunger in the developing countries of the world particularly in south Asia. The study reported that Chemistry is the science of the composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. In a very simple words, chemistry is the composition, structure, properties and reactions of substance. The different branches of chemistry each of which has the different area including i. Analytical Chemistry uses qualitative and quantitative, observation to identify and measure the physical. ii. Physical chemistry combines chemistry with physics. iii. Organic chemistry specifically studies compounds that contain the element carbon. iv. Inorganic chemistry studies materials such as metals and gases that do not have carbon as part of their makeup. v. Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes that occur within living organisms. vi. Food chemistry deals with the three biological components of food — carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. vii. Environmental chemistry study how chemicals interact with the natural environment. viii. Agricultural chemistry is concerned with the substances and chemical reactions that are involved with the production, protection and use of crops and livestock. Chemical engineering research and develop new materials or processes that involve chemical reactions. Geochemistry combine chemistry and geology to study the makeup and interaction between substances found in the Earth. Nuclear Chemistry is one of a typical classification of chemical science. It primarily utilized for radioactivity which include x-ray, radiotherapy, radioactive components (radon) and so forth. The study reported that the total countries available in the world are 225, consist of (Developed countries = 49, developing countries = 150, observer state = 4, state without partial recognition = 8, unrecognized state = 14). Similarly, South Asia comprises the countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka.  In the light of above study, it is proposed that Chemistry should be commercialized  for the development of health, basic need of daily life, create employment, generate income, stronger economy, reducing financial crises, global Poverty and hunger in the developing countries of the world particularly in south Asia