Call for Abstract

10th International Conference on Chemistry, will be organized around the theme “Exploring the new dimension and discoveries in the field of Chemistry”

Chemistry World 2019 is comprised of 15 tracks and 127 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Chemistry World 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Organic chemistry is the field of chemistry that compromise with compounds of carbon and hydrogen, alongside a modest bunch of distinct elements essentially oxygen, nitrogen, silicon, sulphur, and phosphorus Organic chemistry accommodates the ranges of organic synthesis, synthesis methods, reaction mechanisms and kinetics, and analytical techniques such as chromatography (TLC, GC, HPLC), and structure determination and spectroscopic techniques such as NMR and IR. It additionally consists of organometallic chemistry, investigation of carbon-based compounds that comprise metals and extra commonly that incorporate elements other than the few specified previously. Methods of natural chemistry are vigorously utilized as a part of polymer science, materials science, medicinal chemistry and natural product chemistry.


  • Track 1-1Classification, chemical reactions and synthesis of organic compounds
  • Track 1-2Organometalic compounds
  • Track 1-3Photochemistry and pericyclic reactions
  • Track 1-4Aromatic compounds: reactions and synthesis
  • Track 1-5Heterocyclic chemistry
  • Track 1-6Microwave synthesis
  • Track 1-7Fullerenes
  • Track 1-8Retrosynthetic analysis
  • Track 1-9Stereochemistry
  • Track 1-10Flow chemistry
  • Track 1-11Chemical ecology of medicinal plants

The subject of medicinal chemistry explains the design and manufacturing of compounds that can be used for the prevention, remedy or treatment of human and animal diseases.

Medicinal chemistry was defined by using IUPAC designated commission as “it concerns the discovery, the development, the identification and the interpretation of the mode of action of biologically active compounds at the molecular level”.

Medicinal chemistry is the application of chemical research methods to the synthesis of pharmaceuticals. During the early levels of medicinal chemistry development, scientists have been particularly concerned with the isolation of medicinal agents discovered in plants. Today, scientists in this field are also equally involved with the introduction of new synthetic compounds as drugs. Medicinal chemistry is almost constantly geared toward drug discovery and development. Medicinal chemists apply their chemistry training to the method of synthesizing new pharmaceuticals. They also work on improving the procedure by way of which other pharmaceuticals are made. Most chemists work with a team of scientists from distinctive disciplines, which includes biologists, toxicologists, pharmacologists, theoretical chemists, microbiologists, and bio pharmacists. Together, this group makes use of sophisticated analytical methods to synthesize and take a look at new drug products and to advance the most reasonably priced and eco-friendly means of production.


  • Track 2-1Pathobiochemistry of diseases
  • Track 2-2Drug Discovery & development
  • Track 2-3Computer aided drug design
  • Track 2-4The SAR and QSAR approaches to drug design
  • Track 2-5Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Track 2-6Drug metabolism
  • Track 2-7Target identification & validation
  • Track 2-8Pharmacological in vitro and in vivo investigations
  • Track 2-9Different approaches to drug design
  • Track 2-10Transition metal complexes and redox reactions

Organic chemistry is defined as the chemistry of hydrocarbon compounds and their derivatives then inorganic chemistry can be described generally as the chemistry of "every-thing else." This includes all the remaining elements in the periodic table, as well as carbon, which performs a principal role in many inorganic compounds. Organometallic chemistry, a very large and rapidly developing field, bridges these two areas via thinking about compounds containing direct metal-carbon bonds, and consists of catalysis of many organic reactions.


  • Track 3-1Classification and characterization of inorganic compounds
  • Track 3-2Mechanistic inorganic chemistry
  • Track 3-3Chemistry of nonmetallic elements
  • Track 3-4Crystallography
  • Track 3-5Coordination & organometallics chemistry
  • Track 3-6Mechanistic inorganic chemistry
  • Track 3-7Supramolecular system chemistry
  • Track 3-8Bioinorganic chemistry
  • Track 3-9Synthetic inorganic chemistry

Defining analytical chemistry as the application of chemical knowledge ignores the special point of view that analytical chemists deliver to learn about of chemistry. The craft of analytical chemistry is now not in performing a routine analysis on a routine sample, which greater correctly is known as chemical analysis, but in enhancing set up analytical methods, in extending existing analytical techniques to new kinds of samples, and in creating new analytical techniques for measuring chemical phenomena .

Here is one example of this difference between analytical chemistry and chemical analysis. Mining engineers evaluate the value of an ore by comparing the price of casting off the ore with the value of its contents. To estimate its value they analyze a sample of the ore. The challenge of creating and validating a suitable quantitative analytical technique is the analytical chemist’s responsibility. After its development, the routine, daily application of the analytical technique is the job of the chemical analyst.


  • Track 4-1Spectroscopic analytical methods
  • Track 4-2Advances in separation methods
  • Track 4-3 Chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
  • Track 4-4Quantitative analysis
  • Track 4-5Quantitative analysis
  • Track 4-6Qualitative analysis
  • Track 4-7Wet chemical methods
  • Track 4-8Flow analysis
  • Track 4-9Advances in electroanalysis
  • Track 4-10Chemometrics
  • Track 4-11Analytical research methodology

Agricultural chemists work with food producers to increase yields, enhance quality, and decrease costs. They additionally learn about the causes and outcomes of biochemical reactions associated with plant and animal growth, are seeking approaches to manage these reactions, and develop chemical products that supply help in controlling these reactions. Chemical products developed to help in the production of food, feed, and fiber consist of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators, fertilizers, and animal feed supplements. Agricultural chemistry is most often linked to food and fiber production, specifically for human consumption. Increased agricultural production, in combination with additional useful resource Consumption and waste generation, has induced environmental degradation. By understanding key ideas in agricultural chemistry, we can make use of the soil resource to produce a sufficient food supply and defend the environment.

Food chemistry is learning about of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological elements of foods. His work in the food chemist depends closely on expertise in chemistry. On the other hand, food chemistry is additionally related to biochemistry (especially in learning about chemical changes of food constituents) and the science of nutrition (nutritive cost of foods, contaminants) and microbiology (spoilage and preservation, food safety).This self-discipline additionally encompasses how products alter under specific food processing methods and ways either to enhance or to stop them from happening.



  • Track 5-1Sustainability of crop production, processing and consumption
  • Track 5-2Plant & animal bio technology
  • Track 5-3Plant protection and fertilization
  • Track 5-4Fertilizers and chemicals
  • Track 5-5Food science & technology
  • Track 5-6Chemical reactions in food
  • Track 5-7Risk/benefits evaluation of food components
  • Track 5-8Methodologies and applications in food analysis
  • Track 5-9Food quality, integrity, and safety
  • Track 5-10Food packaging & preservation

Chemistry deals with the changes which matter undergoes by the interaction of its various forms and in a broad sense studies the structure of matter by analysis and synthesis. Physics on the other hand, is concerned with the general properties of matter. (Kinetic, thermal, electrical, etc.) And with process in which matter suffers no chemical change. Physical Chemistry embraces both of the above problems viz., structure and properties of matter and provides a common ground between the two sister’s sciences. Besides physical chemistry endeavors to penetrate more deeply into the structure of atoms and molecules and their different states of aggregation. It also studies the physical characteristics of chemical reactions with respect to electrical, thermal, kinetic, photo-chemical and such other properties.

It also provides the basis of modern methods of analysis, the determination of structure, and the elucidation of the manner in which chemical reactions occur. To do all this, it draws on two of the great foundations of modern physical science, thermodynamics and quantum mechanics.



  • Track 6-1Solid-state chemistry
  • Track 6-2Surface science
  • Track 6-3Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
  • Track 6-4Spectroscopy
  • Track 6-5Quantum chemistry
  • Track 6-6Petroleum chemistry
  • Track 6-7Physical chemistry: a molecular approach
  • Track 6-8Chemical thermodynamics
  • Track 6-9Physical chemistry of macro molecules
  • Track 6-10Chemical kinetics
  • Track 6-11Radio chemistry

Industrial chemistry is concerned with using chemical and physical processes to transform raw substances into products that are really useful to humanity. This consists of the manufacture of primary chemicals to produce products for a range of industries. Industrial chemistry can be thinking of as an enterprise that generates synthetic replacements for natural products.

Industrial chemistry is part of the long chain in the design and manufacturing process. Industrial chemists deal with the ideas, the design, the testing, and prototyping of new industrial products. In order to design something completely new to assist resolve the important issues of the world their necessary skills are, in-depth knowledge and application of chemistry and creativity with chemicals. Whereas a chemical engineer deals with the entire process of altering raw substances into a beneficial, marketable product, an industrial chemist would look mainly at the nitty gritty science stuff, scrutinising the chemical components and designing a ‘method’ for the product then work out the excellent way to make it.

The industrial chemist precedes the chemical engineer in the process of bringing something to market. The primary areas of research and teaching are on the catalyst and process development, mechanical and thermal unit operations and method of chemical reaction engineering. The Chemical Technology permits efficient manufacturing of basic, intermediate and end products.

  • Track 7-1Water technology
  • Track 7-2Fuels & combustion
  • Track 7-3Industrial processes, catalysis, white bio technology
  • Track 7-4Membrane technology-nano filtration and reverse osmosis
  • Track 7-5Industrial polymers, metals and composites chemistry
  • Track 7-6Fertilizers, cement, ceramic, glass and paints
  • Track 7-7Sustainable chemical processes

Biochemistry is the application of chemistry to the find out about of biological processes at the cell and molecular level. The biochemist seeks to determine how unique molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, vitamins and hormones function in such processes. Particular emphasis is positioned on legislation of chemical reactions in living cells.. Biochemistry has become the foundation for understanding all biological processes. It has provided explanations for the motives of many ailments in humans, animals and plants. It can frequently suggest ways by way of which such diseases may also be treated or cured.


  • Track 8-1Molecular biology
  • Track 8-2Structural and molecular biochemistry
  • Track 8-3Metabolism of bio-molecules
  • Track 8-4Plant and animal biochemistry
  • Track 8-5Medicinal biochemistry
  • Track 8-6Advances in biochemistry

Environmental chemistry is a very much focused branch of chemistry, containing aspects of organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry, as well as more diverse areas, such as biology, toxicology, biochemistry, public health and epidemiology. Environmental chemists work in a variety of public, private and government laboratories.

One of the environmental chemistry’s foremost challenges is the determination of the nature and quantity of particular pollutants in the environment. Thus, chemical analysis is a crucial first step in environmental chemistry research.

Environmental chemistry is socially important because it offers with the environmental impact of pollutants, the reduction of contamination and management of the environment. Environmental chemist learn about the behavior of pollutants and their environmental outcomes on the air, water and soil environments, as well as their effects on human health and the natural environment.


  • Track 9-1Chemistry and control of Water and Air pollution
  • Track 9-2Soil Pollution and Remediation, Solid Waste Disposal 
  • Track 9-3Environmental processes and reactions
  • Track 9-4Methods and standards of environmental analysis 
  • Track 9-5Waste management and recycling
  • Track 9-6Environmental chemistry of isotopes 
  • Track 9-7Environmental management and policy 

Materials chemistry includes the use of chemistry for the design and synthesis of substances with fascinating or potentially beneficial physical characteristics, such as magnetic, optical, structural or catalytic properties.

The idea of “design” is essential in defining the work of substances chemists. Rather than in simple terms inspect properties, the materials chemist tries to manipulate the synthetic procedure to produce a favoured function. The relationship between the method of synthesis and the design of the final product is critical to a materials chemist.

Functional substances are building blocks of modern-day society and play a crucial function in the evolution of technology. Materials chemistry is unique in presenting the intellectual basis to design, create, and recognize new forms of matter, let it be organic, inorganic, or hybrid materials. From nanomaterial and molecular devices to polymers and prolonged solids, chemistry is developing a world of new materials as catalysts, sensors, molecular transporters, artificial scaffolds, molecular filters, and light-emitting or electron-conducting ensembles, with the potential for extensive scientific and societal impact.


  • Track 10-1Materials science and chemistry
  • Track 10-2Materials synthesis and characterization
  • Track 10-3 Metallurgy processes
  • Track 10-4Composite materials
  • Track 10-5Material chemistry for electrochemical capacitors
  • Track 10-6Electronics, photonics, and spintronics.
  • Track 10-7analytical techniques and instrumentation in materials chemistry
  • Track 10-8Science and technology of advanced materials
  • Track 10-9Current trends in materials chemistry

Green chemistry is the utilization of a set of concepts that reduces or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products. It is not a new branch of science. It is a new philosophical approach that via application and extension of the principles of green chemistry can make a contribution sustainable development.

Green chemistry is quite essential   in growing the alternatives for energy generation (hydrogen cell, fuels cells, biofuels, etc.). As well as continue the route towards energy efficiency with catalysis and product at the forefront. By the help of green chemistry the approaches toward the renewable resources can be made increasingly more viable technologically and economically. There is a broad range of renewable feed stocks along with trees, grasses, shrubs, marine resources wastes which is used for creating new, sustainable, low environmental influence routes to essential chemical products, and biofuels. Renewable resources are used every time possible at the stop of their use, non-biodegradable substances are recycled. Using the environment technology we can conserve the natural environment and curb the negative influences of human involvement.


  • Track 11-1Trends in green chemistry
  • Track 11-2Green industrial processes and molecular innovation
  • Track 11-3Green policy, sustainability and safety
  • Track 11-4Green methods in organic synthesis
  • Track 11-5Renewable energy resources
  • Track 11-6Carbon dioxide capture and utilization
  • Track 11-7Valorization of industrial waste and biomass residues

Polymer science is a so pervasive and relevant self-discipline in the contemporary situation that it is needless to spend plenty word to emphasize its role. As a matter of fact, it has been proposed to designate our time as the polymer age, to mark its big difference from preceding mankind eras dominated by way of a sequence of various materials (the stone, the bronze, the iron ages) and to remark that our lifestyle would be hardly ever workable besides polymers. The advent and the world scale establishment of the polymer technology have shaped the world around us and have profoundly changed its perspectives, as it happens for any revolutionary technology. Despite the incredible achievements we have witnessed alongside the years, many exciting challenges remain to be faced; these are properly worth to handle due to the fact of their have an impact on our everyday life: examples encompass green polymer chemistry, environmental pollution issues, polymers for energy storage and delivery, polymers for the human health.


  • Track 12-1Polymerization methods
  • Track 12-2Polymerization mechanisms and kinetics
  • Track 12-3Polymer synthesis and characterization; 
  • Track 12-4Macromolecular structure and function
  • Track 12-5Synthesis and application of novel polymers for bio-/nanomedicine
  • Track 12-6Supramolecular polymers
  • Track 12-7Green polymer chemistry & biodegradable polymers

Nano science and technology is the branch of science that studies systems and manipulates matter on atomic, molecular and supra molecular scales (the nanometre scale). On such a length scale, quantum mechanical and surface boundary effects turn out to be relevant, conferring properties on materials that are now not observable on larger, macroscopic length scales.

Nanotechnology, the manipulation of count at the atomic and molecular scale to create substances with remarkably different and new properties, is a swiftly increasing area of research with massive potential to revolutionize our lives and to supply technological solutions to our problems in agriculture, energy, the environment and medicine. In order to utterly understand this potential, we want to be able to manage the synthesis of nanoparticles, the development of nano-devices, and the characterization of materials on the nano scale and to understand the effects of these things on environment and health.


  • Track 13-1Nano materials and nano particles
  • Track 13-2Nano bio materials
  • Track 13-3Molecular nanotechnology
  • Track 13-4Nano electronics
  • Track 13-5Computational nanotechnology
  • Track 13-6Nano particles and quantum dots
  • Track 13-7Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles and its bio-medical application
  • Track 13-8Nanotechnology other applications

Forensic Chemistry in its broadest sense is the application of techniques and principles of science for the purpose of administration of criminal justice system. Chemistry is an integral part of forensic science. Forensic scientists must understand the principles, concepts and techniques of chemistry perform their duties in an effective manner. Scientists of all types are often interested in the composition of a substance. However, the type of substance may vary according to their nature of work. Like, pharmaceutical scientists identify the substances in a drug sample to set their expiry dates. Similarly forensic scientists identify substance to connect suspects to crimes or to reconstruct a crime i.e. to determine how a crime has been committed.

Forensic chemists perform different analyses to identify materials in order to determine the nature and composition of such evidence. A highly trained forensic chemist is capable of determining the composition and nature of materials and predicting the source as well as matching evidences collected from the crime scene with the control sample. Modern chemistry employs the traditional analytical techniques hand in hand with much younger methods of analysis.

A vast range of analytical techniques are generally employed in forensic analyses. This includes ultraviolet, visible and infrared, spectrophotometry; GCMS; high pressure liquid chromatography; neutron activation analysis; and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The choice of technique and instrument to be used depends on the type of sample to be analysed.


  • Track 14-1Drug psycho-physiology
  • Track 14-2Ballistic fingerprinting
  • Track 14-3Forensic toxicology
  • Track 14-4Forensic data analysis and methods
  • Track 14-5Forensic arts
  • Track 14-6Bloodstain pattern analysis
  • Track 14-7Fingerprint analysis

Biodiversity the diversity of living forms has attracted a terrific deal of interest and concern for the reason that biological resources constitute an asset with a great deal of immediate as well as potential benefits for the quality of life.

At current in many industrialized nations, fifty per cent of all prescribed pills are derived or synthesized from natural products, the solely accessible sources are animals, marine, plants, and micro-organisms. It is viewed that the structural and biological varieties of their constituents offer a unique and renewable useful resource for discovering of potential new drugs and biological entities. Medicinal Chemistry lookup on extracts from plant life and other living organisms that lead to the discovery of new therapeutic dealers can also be an essential factor towards maintaining of biodiversity.

  • Track 15-1Biodiversity of medicinal plants
  • Track 15-2Chemistry of natural products
  • Track 15-3Biosynthesis and chemical biology
  • Track 15-4Genetic engineering on natural products
  • Track 15-5Conservation and sustainable utilization of biodiversity
  • Track 15-6Biomolecular aspects of biodiversity
  • Track 15-7Natural products as anticancer agents