Theme: Development of novel therapeutic approaches: Chemistry in Coronavirus Research

Chemistry World 2020

Chemistry World 2020

Chemistry Conferences, Our Organizing committee welcomes professional chemistry experience researchers, scientific communities, chemists, professors, students, delegates, business professionals and executives from all over the global world  to attend the  “11th International Conference on Chemistry” that is to be held during July 20-21, 2020, Florence, Italy. Which incorporates prompt oral talks, keynote presentations, poster displays and exhibitions.

Chemistry world 2020 is an international platform to debate and learn about the  Inorganic chemistry Geochemistry, cosmetic chemistry, Nanochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Green chemistry, Electrochemistry, Forensic Chemistry, Food-lipid chemistry,  Polymer Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Petrochemistry, Nanotechnology, Material chemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, Biological chemistry, Organic chemistry, Industrial Chemistry.

Chemistry world 2020  of Transition Elements Chemistry Conferences: In the light of this theme, the chemistry conference aims to supply a forum for international researchers from varied areas of chemical biology, chemistry, pharmacy, materials science and chemical engineering by providing a platform for appraisal of recent data, and to share latest cutting-edge analysis findings and results regarding all aspects of chemistry.

The forecast for Reasearch and Development  growth in the chemical and advanced materials trade reflects international economy, key markets and the trade serves. U.S. R&D spending in chemicals and advanced materials is forecast to grow by 3.6% to succeed in $12 billion in 2014. Overall international R&D is forecast to grow at a rather higher 4.7% rate to $45 billion in 2014.The R&D activities within the chemical and advanced materials trade reflects enhancements within the U.S. and international Economy and these role this trade plays in support of alternative demand-driven industries. We forecast U.S. chemical and advanced materials R&D to extend by 3.7% in 2014 reaching $12.2 billion. Worldwide R&D is anticipated to extend by 4.8% to $45.4.

Track 1. Forensic Chemistry :

Forensic chemistry is a sub-discipline of the chemistry and its subfield. A forensic chemist can assist in the identification of the unidentified materials found at a crime spot. Specialists in this field have the various  methods and the instruments for  identifying the unknown substances.

  • Methods of Forensic Science
  • Modernization

Track 2. Marine chemistry :

Marine chemistry is also known as the Ocean Chemistry which  is influenced by the  pH levels, turbidity currents, atmospheric constituents, sediments, metamorphic activity and ecology. The Chemical oceanography is a study of the chemical composition and chemical processes of marine environments including the influences of different variables. Some of the key processes studied are a cycling of: organic and Inorganic  carbon; nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and trace elements, such as iron.

  • Applications of marine Chemistry
  • Organic compounds in the oceans
  • Marine Chemical Ecology
  • Ocean Acidification
  • Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Chemical oceanography

Track 3.Industrial Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry is a branch of chemistry which applies the physical and chemical processes of  the conversion of Raw materials in to products that are beneficial for the mankind. Industrial chemistry is a  manufacturing art of transformation of matter into the useful materials.

  • Fertiliser
  • Hess law
  • Chemicals
  • Petrochemicals

Track 4. Biological chemistry :

Biochemistry is  commonly referred as biological chemistry, & deals with chemical processes with in the living organisms .Biochemistry is closely related to molecular biology and the study of the molecular process followed for genetic information encoded by the DNA is able to conclude in  processes of life.

  • Biochemical energy
  • Carbohydrates
  • Biochemical cycles
  • Drug activity
  • Enzymes
  • Nucleic acids & Proteins
  • Photoreceptors
  • Vitamins

Track 5. Geochemistry :

Geochemistry is the branch of the geologic sciences that weds the geology and physics, so there is a geologic sub-discipline, geochemistry, in which chemistry and the geologic sciences come together. Geochemical analyses carried out on the natural samples such as volcanic gas, water,  air, soil, sediment, dust, rock or biological hard tissues [especially ancient biological tissues] and also on anthropogenic materials such as industrial effluent and sewage sludge.Geochemistry is  study of the chemistry of natural earth materials and  chemical processes operating with in and upon the Earth, both now and in the past.

  • Aquatic Geochemistry
  • Applied Geochemistry
  • Mineralogy & Geochemistry
  • Earth Sciences & Geography
  • Geophysics & Geosystems

Track 6. Radiochemistry

Radiochemistry is a science of radioactive materials, where the   isotopes of radioactive  elements are used to read  the properties and chemical reactions of the non-radioactive isotopes.  Radiochemistry deals with significance of radioactivity & chemical reactions.

  • Radiochronology
  • Isotopes
  • Interaction of radiation with matter
  • Radiochromatography
  • Nuclear reactions
  • Environmental radioactivity
  • Radiochemotherapy
  • Detection and measurement of radioactivity

Track 7. Petro chemistry :

Petro -chemistry refers the  branch of chemistry that focuses on how the  crude oil and natural gas are converted in to a raw materials and other useful products. Today such resources are  considered  as the  integral part of the development of the economy which evolves the  petro- chemistry in the  incredibly valuable field.

  • Bakelite
  • synthetic rubbers
  • Biofuels
  • Petrochemical solvents
  • Petroleum engineering
  • Polystyrene
  • Natural gas
  • Refilling and derivatives

Track 8. Atmospheric Chemistry :

Atmospheric chemistry, It  is the study of the components of the planetary atmospheres, particularly that of the Earth. It specifically looks at composition of planetary atmospheres and the reactions and interactions that drive these diverse and dynamic systems. The topic encompasses the lab-based studies, field measurements and also their modelling. It is a branch of atmospheric science in which the chemistry of Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets is studied. It is integrative approach to the  research and draws on the environmental chemistry, meteorology, physics, computer oceanography, geology modelling, and volcanology, and other disciplines.

  • Toxic Air Pollutants
  • Global Warming
  • Photochemical Smog
  • Ozone Depletion
  • Acidic Deposition

Track 9. Nanochemistry :

Nano Chemistry’s research ranges from the electrochemistry of molecular monolayers and even the single molecules or biomolecules, to new graphene and graphene/nanoparticle hybrid materials.We use both multifarious theoretical approaches and  advanced experimental methods.

Electron transfer is a core notion exploited in the group’s projects in new Nano scale and single-molecule electrochemistry and the bio electrochemistry. The combination of the  chemistry and Nano science is called  Nanochemistry . Nanochemistry concentrates on the synthesis of building blocks which are dependent on surface, size shape,  and defect properties.

  • Nanodiamonds
  • Carbon nanobots
  • Nanolithography
  • Nanomedicine
  • Organic Nanoparticles
  • Nanotopography
  • Chemical Nanoreactors
  • Cryochemistry of Metal Atoms and Nanoparticles

Track 10. Sustainable Chemistry :

Sustainable chemistry is the concept that seeks to improve ability with the  which natural resources are used to meet human needs for chemical products and services. Sustainable chemistry encompasses the manufacture, design, and use of efficient, effective, safe and more environmentally benign chemical products and processes. It is also a process that stimulates innovation across all sectors to design and discover new chemicals, production processes, and product stewardship practices that will provide increased performance and increased value while meeting the goals and enhancing human health and the environment.

  • Bioresources
  • Pharmaceutical technology
  • Photochemistry
  • Product and material design
  • Industry and sustainable chemistry
  • New molecules, materials & products
  • Catalysis

Track 11. Advanced Organic chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is a sub discipline involving the scientific study of the properties, structure and reactions of organic materials and organic compounds. i.e., matter in its various forms that contain the carbon atoms. The Study of structure includes many physical and chemical methods to determine the chemical  Constitution and the chemical composition of the organic compounds and materials. Study of properties includes both physical properties and chemical properties, and uses similar methods as well as methods to evaluate chemical reactivity, with the aim to understand the behavior of the organic matter in its pure form (when possible), but also in solutions, mixtures, and fabricated forms. The study of organic reactions includes probing their scope through use in preparation of target compounds (e.g., natural products, drugs, polymers, etc.) by chemical synthesis, as well as the focused study of the reactivities of individual organic molecules, both in the laboratory and via theoretical study. Inorganic chemistry deals with the synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds. This field covers all chemical compounds except the myriad organic compounds (carbon based compounds, usually containing C-H bonds), which are the subjects of organic chemistry. The distinction between the two disciplines is far from absolute, as there is much overlap in the subdiscipline of organometallic chemistry. It has applications in every aspect of the chemical industry, including catalysis, materials science, pigments, surfactants, coatings, medications, fuels, and agriculture.

Track 12. Chemistry of Fungi :

Chemistry of Fungi includes the addition of the chemistry of fungal metabolites. The topic which involves under these track is to illustrate with in the context of fungal metabolites, the historical progression from the chemical to spectroscopic methods of structure elucidation,and  the development in the  biosynthetic studies from establishing sequences and mechanisms to chemical enzymology and genetics and the increasing understanding of biological roles of natural products.

  • Fungal Diversity
  • The Chemistry of Growing Fungi
  • Fungal Ecology
  • Chemical technology
  • Bioresources
  • Product and material design
  • New molecules, materials & products
  • Fungi & Development of Microbiological Chemistry

Track 13.Computational Design of Functional Materials :

In this  the special issue of the Chemistry of Materials on subject of Computational Design of Functional Materials, we have invited a spectrum of researchers, ranging from early career scientists to established experts in this field, to showcase the use of the computational techniques and the address a variety of problems in the materials chemistry. The nature of the materials studied covers the gamut from 2D transition metal dichalcogenides to oxides to hybrid framework materials and clathrate compounds. The material functions followed also span the range from semiconducting properties to the  mechanical properties to magnetic materials, radiation stability,  and materials for energy storage applications. A particularly pleasing and somewhat unanticipated aspect of these special issue is that so many of the contributions combine experimental inputs in that ways that have allowed for theory and experimental materials co-development. The era of this theory versus experiment has clearly transitioned to an era of theory and experiment.

Track 14. 2D Materials and Beyond

Since the isolation of graphene in 2004, work on atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials has progressed rapidly across the diversity of the scientific and the engineering sub fields. These types of 2D materials available has been ever growing and now includes insulators, [e.g., hexagonal boron nitride], semiconductors [e.g., transition metal dichalcogenides, TMDs], and the additional semi-metals [e.g., black phosphorus]. From these new materials, a wide array of the mechanical, optical, chemical and electric phenomena have been realized in 2D crystals produced using top-down exfoliation, or bottom-up synthesis [E.g., by chemical vapour deposition, CVD). As the 2D material science has become a mature field in-and-of itself, the several key advantages have emerged that can be leveraged for new experimentation and device creation. These advantages include the amenability of 2D materials towards top-down and bottom-up lithography methods, their pliability and ability to be mechanically strained to create new structure property function relationships, and the unique chemistry with the  large surface areas that lead to the  properties that are highly environmentally dependent.

Track 15. DNA Polymerases: From Molecular Mechanisms to Human Diseases :

DNA polymerases plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of Genetic information, as the molecular machines carry out the numerous DNA transactions. DNA polymerases can also be harnessed for biotechnology applications related to the  toxicology, specifically in the detection of DNA damage. The CRT virtual issue collection highlights a variety of approaches and systems to understand the molecular details of how DNA polymerases interact with the results of toxicant exposure.

Track 16. Polymer Bioconjugates in Biology and Medicine :

The interface between the Polymer science and Bioconjugate chemistry is the home to an Active group of scientists who seek to combine the best of both worlds. The chemical versatility of polymeric architectures with the biological function of the  naturally occurring molecules. In recent years, the novel methodologies have been developed, in both in the areas of polymer science as it is  in the field of Bioconjugate chemistry, which have now opened up opportunities to construct conjugates with unprecedented level of control.

Track 17. Mass Spectroscopy and Filtration Chemistry

Mass Spectroscopy is the analytical techniqueEncourages and exchange the  ideas among the experts in the area as Mass Spectroscopy which ionizes the  chemical species and sorts the ions based on the mass-to-charge ratio. In simpler terms Mass spectrometry is used in many different fields and ways  where mass spectrum measures, masses with in a sample and it is applied to pure samples as well as complex mixtures. Filtration Chemistry is a branch of Chemistry, that deals with the Filtration Techniques and which are used in various fields to Separate/extract the ingredients which is very useful and to separate the unknown ingredients using instruments like HPLC, UV, GC. & IR. etc.

Track 18. Biomaterials for Immunoengineering :

It is the  exciting time for  burgeoning area of Biomaterials immunology. In the past few years, a surprising amount of research activity has been blossomed, in which investigators seek to engineer the  immunity for a wide range of the therapeutic and biotechnological goals. One has only to attend a biomaterials or bioengineering conference or to glance at the papers being published in the journals such as this one to realize that immune engineering, biomaterials immunology, and their related endeavors have become recently energized.

  • Bioresources
  • Pharmaceutical technology
  • Photochemistry
  • Product and material design
  • Industry and sustainable chemistry
  • New molecules, materials & products
  • Catalysis

This research examines the world Chemistry markets in terms of the challenges faced by market participants, drivers and restraints in the industry, the competitive structure in the major markets, the revenue forecasts and growth rates and strategic recommendations. Market Size of European chemical industry is roughly €543 billion a year. The European chemical industry is important for economic development and wealth, providing modern products and materials and enabling technical solutions in virtually all sectors of the economy. Traditionally, Europe has been a leader in chemicals production – as shown by a consistent export surplus which reached a record of 49 billion euro in 2018. The chemical sector was severely affected by the 2008-09 global recession, and after a rapid cyclical turnaround, production is growing more slowly than global demand since early 2011. According to the Eurostat data, the sector remains 7% below pre-crisis levels. World chemicals sales in 2018 are valued at €3,127 billion. In 1992, the EU posted sales of €290 billion, which made up 35.2 per cent of world chemicals sales in value terms. From then on, chemicals sales have been growing continuously, reaching an overall increase of 92 per cent in value terms. During the period from 2002 to 2012, EU chemicals sales increased on average by 3 per cent per annum. By 2012, intra-EU sales – excluding domestic receipts – accounted for 48 per cent of total EU chemicals sales. Chemicals sales and consumption in the European Union registered little growth during the period from 2007 to 2012, while chemicals consumption increased by 0.7 per cent and sales by 1.3 per cent. During the 11-year period from 2001 to 2012, the chemical industry in the European Union had an average production growth rate of 0.6 per cent, a rate slightly higher than the 0.4 per cent for all of the manufacturing industry. Growth in EU chemicals production in 2010 was spectacular, reaching 10.6 per cent year on year. The overall economic recovery in Europe was fragile, however, with anaemic production growth in 2011 – 1.9 per cent in volume terms, followed by a 2.3 per cent year-on-year contraction in 2012.


Why to attend?

With members from around the world focused on learning about Chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry; this is your single best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants. Conduct demonstrations, distribute information, meet with current and potential customers, make a splash with a new product line, and receive name recognition at this 3-day event. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, tactics, and the newest updates in fields are hallmarks of this conference.


Target Audience:

Directors, Presidents, CEO’s from companies, Chemical Instrument Vendors Professors and Students from Academia in the study of Analytical and Bio analytical Sciences. Attendee’s from various Pharma & Instrumental companies from all over the world.


Major Associations in Europe:

  • Czech Chemical Society
  • Italian Chemical Society
  • European Society for Separation Science
  • The Chromatographic Society 
  • Swedish Mass Spectrometry Society
  • British Mass Spectroscopic Society
  • The Israeli Society for Mass Spectrometry – ISMS
  • American Association for Clinical Chemistry
  • American Chemical Society
  • American Institute of Chemists (AIC)
  • American Society of Brewing Chemists
  • American Society for Mass Spectrometry
  • Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
  • Swedish Chemical Society
  • New Swiss Chemical Society
  • Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry
  • Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques
  • Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry
  • Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry
  • IUPAC, Analytical Chemistry Division-Spain

Chemistry World 2019

Thanks to all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees and Collaborators; Chemistry World 2019 Conference was completed successfully.

International Conference on Chemistry hosted by the Conference Series LLC was held during May 09-10, 2019 Amsterdam, Netherlands at Holiday Inn Amsterdam – Arena Towers, with the theme “Exploring the new dimension and discoveries in the field of Chemistry” which got magnificent response. With the support and guidance of Organizing Committee Members and Editorial Board Members and astonish presentations of all participants this prominent summit became more impressive.  

Conference Series LLC would like to convey a great appreciation to following Organizing Committee Members, Honorable guests and Keynote speakers.

Apichat Boontawan, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

Imeda Rubashvili, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Shiao-Wei Kuo, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

Marine Zautashvili, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Mylène Campredon, Aix-Marseille University, France

Temur Kantaria, Kakha Bendukidze University Campus, Georgia

Honourable guests, Organizing Committee Members and Keynote Speakers who supported for the success of this event with sustainable excitement for grand success of this prominent conference it is glad to announce next annual meeting 11th International Conference Chemistry to be held during July 20-21, 2020 | Florence, Italy

We hope your favourable support will make next annual also one more grand success event.

For Chemistry World 2019 PS:

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 20-21, 2020
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed Day 1 Day 2
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View